I wanted to lead off today by truly highlighting how proud we are of our preschoolers!
The level of participation and resourceful problem-solving that we have witnessed throughout our student body ha
s been incredible! It is hard to believe how the last 3 weeks have changed our lives drastically. It is overwhelming to see how your children are showing enthusiasm and ingenuity in so many creative ways.
Please encourage them to keep this "can do" mentality and continue to demonstrate what they are capable of when they encounter a problem.
For tomorrow's presentation, on our social-emotional coping piece, we have a few ideas that can help:
1.Parents must acknowledge the feeling and emotions that the child is experiencing.
2.Ask the following questions, if the child appears anxious:
What are you afraid of?
What makes you afraid?
3.Share with the child a time or experience when you were afraid of something and what you did to overcome your fear.
4.Reassure the child that it's OK to be afraid, and that you are there for them, and comfort them until they feel better, stronger or till the fear goes away.
Here is an activity for parents to do with the children:
Materials: Paper, scissor, and tape.
Activity: Parents ask children to name one thing they really like, or they can do very well. Then with parents' help they write it down, and decorate it. Then they hang it on a spot of their choice or a spot that they really like in their room, refrigerator, or the front door.
(This activity develops a sense of control and confidence)